Posted in General by Penny WadePenny Wade on 02 December 2022

Over the holiday season we will probably be round the dinner table more or sitting around more.

So take these 5 points into consideration to lessen any pain in your neck/shoulders or back

  • Keep your neck central over your spine so you are not poking your chin forward, straining to hear someone across a room or table. Or even if you are gardening ,weeding and pruning to get your place spruced up for guests.
  • Do not twist your neck into the same position for long periods to talk to someone on your left or right. This will jam up the joints and cause muscle tightening on the one side.Similarly with gardening if you are pruning up high .
  • Sit evenly on your sit bones.
  • Keep your back upright so your upper back is not slumped. Slumping reduces oxygen into your lungs and reduces your energy and aliveness! 
  • Keep your shoulders back and down. Imagine your shoulder points are in little pockets on your back.

And if your neck, back or shoulders do get tight from a positional or stress point of view remember to do the exercises I have given you or book in for a massage session to reduce pain, tightness or stress build up.


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