This is the wnter edition of massage and herbal medicine news. In this issue I talk about:
Prevention of colds and flu Now is the time of year to strengthen the immune system, to prevent those respiratory infections getting a hold. Prevention involves simple things like covering your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing and having your own utensils if someone else in the family or at work has a cold. Washing your hands properley is also important. What else can you do? Get your Vitamin D and Zinc levels tested. Both these compounds can protect your immune system if they are at the correct level. Your doctor can test your vitamin D levels, whilst I can test your zinc levels and prescribe you the correct zinc to take to correct it. I also have vitamin D in stock. Use of herbs and supplements Echinaceae - This is a well known herb .The best formula needs to have Echinaceae as the root part and two particular species. They give the best absorbtion and best results. And you can take it all year round at a low dose in liquid or tablet form. A probiotic We have 70-80% of our immune system in our digestive tract, so taking a probiotic acts as a great preventative. Give me a call, if you would like to know more and I have good quality Echinaceae and probiotics in stock. Lifestyle and work balance Ask yourself, do I need to make changes to my diet, exercise, relationships, work or stress levels? All this determine whether your immune system will be strong or not. Tennis Elbow Problems I went to an arm and wrist workshop recently and one of the topics was tennis elbow. So how can massage help tennis elbow? Symptoms Pain in the muscles of the forearm when the hand is face down. Also, pain on the lateral bony part of the elbow. Why? It all develops with repetitive movements such as twisting the wrist down or up; moving the wrist up or down; use of a computer mouse;constantly grasping and moving objects at a super market check out; poor technique in tennis strokes. What is it? An over use problem involving break down of tissues in the tendon. To heal, the tension in the tendon and muscles needs to be reduced. So how can massage help? Massage can help by releasing tension in the forearm muscles and if the pain is not too severe work on the tendon at the elbow will help. Specific stretches for the muscles are a great help.Rest from the offending activity or a reduction is very important to give the arm time to heal. Rehab exercises that improve the strength of the neck, shoulder and arm are very important too. Stock Take Sale until 30 June 2015 1. Socks I have some great anklet and long socks for sale. They come in different colours, impregnated with aromatherapy oils and Aloe vera to soften the foot. Great for walking, playing tennis and if you are in a job where you stand a lot. They are designed to specifically fit a right and left foot. Very warm and comfortable too.
2. Herbs I have a few herb tablets that are a few monthe off their use by date. a) Adaptan - If you are feeling wired and tired this is the herbal mix for you. Originally $75 now $55. b) Cucurmin - Used as an anti inflammatory for arthritic pain. Originally $37.95 now $28.00 3. Therapeutic pillow - This is a 'Dentons' brand pillow. Recommended by physiotherapists and chiropractors if you have a sore neck. It allows good spinal alignment. The pillow I have is for side sleepers and medium to large framed sleepers. Original price $80.00, now $65 |