In this Winter edition of the newsletter I talk about:

  • herbs and lifestyle to nip a cold in the bud. This season is supposed to be a severe one for the flu, so why not take on  some preventative measures. 
  • The benefits of massage to help multiple sclerosis (MS) sufferers. 
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Massage and herbal medicine news

Issue: Winter 2019

In this Winter edition of the newsletter I talk about:

  • herbs and lifestyle to nip a cold in the bud. This season is supposed to be a severe one for the flu, so why not take on  some preventative measures. 
  • The benefits of massage to help multiple sclerosis (MS) sufferers. 

Massage and Multiple Sclerosis(MS)

Did you know that massage can help reduce the symptoms of MS?

  • Fatigue/insomnia
  • Dizziness, pain, pins and needles in limbs
  • Anxiety and depression. 

And the symptoms can vary from patient to patient and from day to day. 

What not to do in a massage: 

  • Deep tissue massage 
  • Too much stretching 
  • Twisting techniques
  • Too much heat in the room
  • Do not treat within 72 hours of the last steroid injection or intravenous treatment.

In the US, in a survey with over 3000 respondants who had MS, nearly 25% sought massage to help with their symptoms. So if you know anyone who has MS, massage is well worth considering.

Nipping colds in the bud

The cold season is upon us and what better time of the year to be thinking of ways to stop colds from getting a hold or nipping one in the bud. 

Six lifestyle habits as a preventative measure: 

  1. Cut down on sugary/sweet foods( chocolate, cake and biscuits, sugary energy drinks)  as excess sugar suppresses the immune system. Use a  protein snack of nuts, fish or cheese to ward off the 2-3pm sugar slump!
  2. Too much alcohol damages liver cells - 1 glass of alcohol as day and 1 alcohol free day is best.
  3. Constant physical and emotional stress  with lack of sleep - produces a tense uptight nervous system and consequently a suppressed immune system. Meditation, tai chi, massage, yoga, herbs and seeing a councillor can all help here.
  4. Prolonged use of  non- steroidal anti inflammatories - Long term use can cause damage to the mucous membranes of the GIT and as a result ulcers, nausea, diarrhoea, constipation, indigestion etc can occur. As 70% of our immune system is in the GIT we need to keep the walls of the GIT in a healthy condition. 
  5. Frequent travel, jet lag, lack of sleep - we get very run down . How do you change your lifestyle here? 
  6. Hygiene at home and/or when out - washing hands, covering mouth when you cough, alcohol wipes on door handles etc


Herbs to help nip a cold in the bud:

  • Echinaceae - All year round as a preventative and higher doses if a cold begins. I also have a protocol if you are going overseas which you begin 2 weeks before departure.
  • Andrographis for initial symptoms too.
  • PCIP - a homeopathic tablet when you get a red edged tongue and sore throat.
  • Zinc tablets and vit D if levels low. 
  • A probiotic 

If you want more tailored advice please give me a call.

Quote of the Quarter

'If you would learn the secret of right relations

look only for the good in people and things,

and leave the rest to the Universe.'

Keep well over the winter/spring period and for thoseof you travelling to warmer climates a very healthy safe trip. If you want to reduce your chances of getting a cold overseas give me a call/email and I will send you a very effective protocol using Echinaceae. 


Kind Regards

Penny Wade 

Massage Therapist and herbalist

02 9436 0306

Penny Wade

About Penny

Penny has been practising massage since 1987 and Herbal Medicine since 1996. She has also taught massage since 1989.

Penny's commitment to you is to make a difference to your health and wellbeing.

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16A Grafton Ave, Naremburn, NSW  2065
02 9436-0306
[email protected]



I always leave my appointment feeling calm and relaxed no matter how I felt when I arrived
Keri (Castle Cove)

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