The common cold is one of the most widespread illnesses and is a leading cause of visits to the doctor and absenteeism from work and school. As you may well have experienced, flu often has a quicke...
Gratitude: Helps you grow and expand Brings you joy and laughter into your life And into the livers of those around you Eileen Caddy 'The Dawn of Change' ...
These fabulous dark red plums are in the shops now and they have been bred for their high anthocyanin content. Anthocyanin is an anti oxidant and these plums contain 10X the recommended minim...
Some fantastic news! I am now able to treat people referred to me under the NSW workers' compensation system . I can give five pre-approved treatment sessions. If more are needed I ...
It is well known that antibiotic resistance is on the increase. In Australia 19 million prescriptions are written each year. And we have one of the highest rates of antibiotic use in the world! The...
' Treat each person in your life as if they are a new person you have just met. You never know what you will find out about them.' ...
This newsletter contains the following articles: Osteoarthritis, the reasons we get it and various medical and non medical treatments that can help you. Colds and flu and ways of preventing them with hygiene and herbs to ward off mild symptoms. Housekeeping To advise you that the clinic will be closed from Tuesday 24 September and will reopen on Friday 25 October.
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