In this Spring edition of the newsletter I am discussing :
Do you have tight Hamstrings? Many of us have tight hamstrings and no amount of stretching seems to help! So what else can you do? There are many reasons why hamstrings are tight:
HOW TO COMBAT A LACK OF SLEEP? 45% of the Worlds' population suffer from sleep disorders and despite this only 51% seek help!
So, what causes poor sleep?
A) Lifestyle Research shows that to obtain the best sleep we need to do the following 'X ' number of hours before bed, though some of you may not be affected by caffeine, alcohol etc.
All these activities stimulate the brain when we want to slow it down before bed. B) Pain Mostly pain from the back, hips and neck keeps people awake or from injuries in an accident. I have charts of these positions if you would like me to e-mail you a copy. Massage, physiotherapy, chiropractic, osteopathy,and acupuncture all help plus a strengthening programme later on such as Pilates, Physiosize and weight work . Herbal medicine for pain relief There are many herbs in tablet or liquid form that are great for pain and inflammation. Cucurmin is one such herb. Please ask me which would be best for you as it all depends on what medical anti-inflammatories you are on as to whether they are compatible or not. C) Anxiety/ mild-moderate depression There are two types of insomnia: a) Difficulty falling asleep - Major causes are anxiety. pain, caffeine and alcohol b) Waking in the middle of the night - Major causes are depression,sleep apnea, low blood sugar levels, pain and alcohol. As a result different herbs are used for each type. They are used during the day as well as 1/2 hour before bed to reduce a build up of tension during the day. If you need help here please give me a call. Benefits of massage for anxiety and depression If you are very stressed your nervous system is in what we call 'Sympathetic mode'. Massage plus aromatherapy oils help to bring the nervous system back into 'para sympathetic mode'. a relaxed state. This will then help you to sleep better. QUOTE OF THE QUARTER 'Jump into life at every opportunity. While you are waiting for one thing to happen, do something else. If your partner is late in picking you up, read a book or continue with a project until they arrive. In doing so you demonstrate a detachment from the end result. 'LETTING GO ' of the situation accelerates results. From'Being Happy' by Andrew Mathews |