Did you know that despite all the sunshine we have in Australia, on average 84% of Australians are deficient in Vitamin D!
This Vitamin D deficiency has been attributed to the 'Slip, Slop, Slap' campaign to reduce skin cancer and the fact that many of us stay away from sunshine.
So, what are acceptable levels of Vitamin D? A good level in a blood test is 80-135 nmoL/L. In a sunny country such as Australia 135-225 nmol/L is acceptable.
How can I increase my Vitamin D levels?
1. Use a Vitamin D capsule. A 1000IU capsule taken for 8-12 weeks will increase your Vitamin D levels by 25nmol/L. Then retest at your Doctor.
2. Spend time in the sun. Recommended times for summer are: 10 mins per day from 10- noon and in winter 20-30 mins per day at midday- 2pm. All very impractical, hence the capsules.
Why is Vitamin D so important to our health?
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This newsletter contains the following articles: Osteoarthritis, the reasons we get it and various medical and non medical treatments that can help you. Colds and flu and ways of preventing them with hygiene and herbs to ward off mild symptoms. Housekeeping To advise you that the clinic will be closed from Tuesday 24 September and will reopen on Friday 25 October.
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